
Cancer Prevention and Restoration

Changes are happening in our environment, in our food supply, in our stress levels, in our work environments, and as a result, our dietary needs are changing all the time. It becomes important to recognize our diet and determine what is causing this onco-metabolic risk. Here are the 5F’s to avoid in your life’s diet.


Fructose is completely natural, but a chronic over-exposure to sugars, and fructose in particular, makes higher and higher insulin spikes. As the insulin level drifts up, the body desensitizes to insulin, and that desensitization to insulin makes us crave more and more sugars. More importantly as the insulin level spikes get more frequent, your resting level Cortisol goes up. That high Cortisone environment creates a high risk for cancer. All because of fructose. Learn More.

Flour is the internal component of grains. Grain flour behaves as a carbohydrate with a very pro-inflammatory effect on the body. Unfortunately, eating a high grain diet that includes lots of grain flour hyper-inflames our immune system; distracting it from actually recognizing and attacking the cancer. Not only do we inflame the immune system with a high grain flour diet, but we also change our gut flora, which is the good bacteria in our gut that we need. Learn More.

Frying is always a challenge for people to understand, even after they make the connection with Fructose and Flour. We fry so many things that we don’t even realize we are still frying. Unfortunately, frying exposes food to a temperature of over 300° F which begins to change the food by increasing known carcinogens and changing the fats in the food. All of these changes from frying affect your body in adverse ways by changing how it processes fried food. Learn More.

Falsehoods. One of the great tragedies that we face is that we’ve falsely been led to believe that eating healthier tastes bad. We only hear that eating healthy means you can’t eat anything, or prepare food in a tasty way. But it’s actually just the opposite. Preparing the food in a way that’s actually going to be better for your body really does tastes better. Falsehoods also include the idea of super foods; the food pyramid; and cooking faster is somehow better. Learn More. 

Fractionalization actually exacerbates these falsehoods because the more alone we are, the more vulnerable we are to these false ideas. Fractionalization is to be socially and personally divided out or an environment. It doesn’t make any sense to live in that world. However, we can eliminate fractionalization by changing how we connect, how we socialize, how we engage in fellowship. Learn More.

Once we understand the 5F’s to Avoid, we can begin to incorporate more of the positive 5F’s to Embrace into our environment.

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