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Stress in the workplace can lead to a dysfunctional life with links to cancer. People under stress tend to develop coping behaviors such as smoking, overeating or drinking alcohol, which all increase a person’s risk for cancer. Emotional and social support can help you learn to cope with stress and can reduce levels of depression, anxiety and cancer-related symptoms.

Changes to your diet noted in the 5F’s to Avoid and the 5F’s to Embrace should be made whether you have a cancer diagnosis or not. During cancer treatment, there are certain foods that can help ease the discomfort. Drinking lots of water and eating high-fiber foods will minimize constipation. Bland foods like rice, apples and bananas will help avoid diarrhea. Maintaining nutrition is key during treatment.

If cancer runs in your family, don’t panic. Not everyone who is born with a tendency for a gene mutation will develop cancer. The best preventative care is to be proactive. Consider a consultation with a genetics counselor. There are several genetics tests available to help assess your cancer risk.

If you have more questions for us, or need more information, please call us at 469-844-1945 or complete this form. You’ll be hearing from us soon! Thank you.

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